Three Trines for Trick or Treat ~ 29 October 2008

As Halloween festivities approach, we enjoy the benefit of three trines working to render ideas, inspiration and heaps of other insight. Render they do! Of course like the holiday, without getting out there with bag in hand, all suited up for the season and contributing to the process, the trines simply render a few feel-good moments. Those who engage in cosmic trick or treating stand to benefit from the fertile patterns drifting along in the airwaves.

The trines consist of Mercury in Libra trine Neptune in Aquarius, Jupiter in Capricorn trine Saturn in Virgo and Mars in Scorpio trine Uranus in Pisces. Three of the four elements participate. For those wanting some fire to add to the mix and maybe get these trines activated, you have only a short while to wait. As the new month commences, Venus inches up to trine the goddess of discord, Eris, and then, all bets are on!

In a perfect planetary world, each of the trines in progress enjoys the attentive receptivity of each person feeling the inspiring impulses. Ideas flow freely. Insights appear easily. Innovations form in brains easier than usual. That’s what trines do. Lazily, they invoke a person to utter as they lean into the pulsing water of a shower, “Wow! That’s a great idea! Somebody ought to do it!” Unfortunately, far too often, the flow stops there. Assuming that inspirations received contain progressive, evolving qualities, one quickly realizes that while presenting such innovations one might encounter resistence from a world (or its people) set in its ways. Following this realization comes the awareness that those who offer altering ideas, regardless of how beneficial, quickly don the label of rabble rouser, master of discord, maverick or apple cart upsetter. Possibly, these conclusions take the wind out of the sails of inspiration.

Not to worry, as Halloween passes and November takes root, the Venus to Eris trine renders tinder, flint, spark and fire to recently received inspirations. Let’s take a look at the various trines to see if any of the inspiration symptoms might be making an appearance. If not clearly recognizable, perhaps they can be unmasked and then treated with the accord required.

Mercury in Libra trine Neptune in Aquarius: This pattern runs strings of lights above the heads of those willing to take in ideas and work them into the next level of application. Dedicated thought reveals yet unseen necessities in any idea makes the inspiration real, usable and thus, profitable.

Jupiter in Capricorn trine Saturn in Virgo: This pattern took precise shape as the global economic picture caught up with the activities of the past couple of years. All over the place people contend that the bailouts rendered are incomplete, ineffectual or ill-thought. Saturn in Virgo crisply clears his throat and asks, “So your solutions would be...?” The pattern notes that idle criticism without alternative thought doesn’t make a person helpful or useful; it makes them a pain in the butt. Saturn insists that for any criticism rendered, three solutions must be presented prior to the pointing out of any problem. Then and only then, do people wrap around hearing that maybe their ideas up to this point didn’t quite meet the demands of the real world. This pattern also engages Sedna, the Arctic goddess who insists that survival matters precede luxury desires. Basic food and shelter precede obtaining ego-enforcing status symbols. She rewards those with clear priorities and careful sensibilities in uncertain times. Sedna’s clarity ensures that when Eris comes to town, one may embark upon riskier adventures with confidence and reliance upon previously gathered resources.

Mars in Scorpio trine Uranus in Pisces: In the United States, both Presidential candidates promise agendas of change. Well, how can we go wrong with that? Easy. If one forgets that pushing this trine is Saturn, part of another interlocking trine, demands comprehensive planning in which all permutations receive consideration and all stones get their bottom side checked. A level of intense, passionate humanitarianism must accompany this pattern. All inspirations aspire to benefit the good of all. Respect for human emotion, compassion for sensitivity no matter how hair-triggered, it may feel and the realization that every reaction warrants due consideration set the substrate of sensitivity on solid ground.

Soon, Venus and Eris bring their energy to the previously enjoyed trines. They say, “What good is an idea unrealized? Thinking ain’t nothing without a lot of doing to back it up. Get over yourself. If you fail to use your talent, who do you think will ever sanction your brilliance? Oh yeah, you are not your stuff.” Then they point out that you are the creative spirit that when applied, can obtain stuff - a good perspective bearing message in these wildly fluctuating economic times.

As another point of perspective coming our way this past week, one of our neighboring stars, Epsilon Eridanus (18 Taurus 10) recently received a thumbs up from astronomers for being a potential life supporting solar system. Wouldn’t such a confirmation alter global politics in a positive way? Now I’m inspired to roll out some aluminum foil and create an alien costume just in time for trick or treat that gives approximation to the out of this world critters who may be our kin.