Surfing Sedna’s Seas with Cosmic Rays ~ 23 April 2008

For those tired of hearing of Eris and her discord, we’ll move outward in space now to discover more about the enigmatic Sedna, the most distant named body in our solar system. However, first we should note the amazing black hole Cygnus X-3 recently flared. The energies poured from the source at 28 Aquarius included radio and hard x-rays in the extreme. The broadcast was loud and free to all those who had connected any of their receptors to this general position. The message of this system reminds us all to allow ample time (4.8 hours at minimum) to clear the emotional decks whenever life hits us with a supercharged blast. With reactions clear, the transmission can be heard and the reality of what surrounds us can be seen for what it is.

This guide seems particularly potent now as we experience an exact Mars-Jupiter opposition. This is no time to argue over differences, declare philosophical or intellectual supremacy or to pick up a banner with crusading fervor. I was chagrined, on the virtual eve of this aspect, to hear one of our presidential candidates promise devastating retaliation upon the nation of Iran should Iran go nuclear on Israel, assuming is now or someday shall be nuclear. In fact, the promise was made that nuclear retaliation would be rendered. The commentary carried a righteous, pious tone that completely personified the sharp edge of the Mars-Jupiter pattern, but the intonation lacked the higher ground sensibilities needed to keep this planet in one piece. That’s what we need, people in power capable of contemplating the Earth as a whole.

Thank God it’s Earth Week; maybe even politicians can catch the wave or extract metaphors from those working to do good on the planet. Thank God a power company in Arizona is planting one tree per run scored by the Arizona Diamondbacks baseball club. Thank God the Diamondbacks are so good; the power company is present obliged to plant 1,200 trees as of the writing of this post. They’re going to need those trees to make more bats (and a new baseball article posts today on Stars of the Diamond).

Anyway, back to the intended topic: Sedna. This arctic deity stands alone in respect and potency in the icy north. She is the goddess of the deep seas under the ice, the Inuit equivalent of the underworld. Her orbital signatures appear in the signs of Cancer and Leo. Per her not so cheery mythology, she made an impulse buy of a relationship offer that promised to provide her with warmth and abundant sustenance - huge priorities in the arctic and assurances that she would be loved as no other had ever been loved. Unfortunately, she did not conduct interactive duo diligence and found herself forlorn, cold, desolate and discontent. Sedna’s archetype offers cautions to choices made in life. Verify that choices made can meet one’s primary material needs in life (food, shelter, basic comfort) and serve the essence of the soul, shunning the appeal to vanity and ego. That said, consider that over the next weeks we see several personal planets interacting with Sedna by direct alignment such that we can directly observe her import.

April 27 - Mercury conjunct Sedna. In the news we might see the “what were you thinking?” syndrome. Stories of people who darted about chasing promises without merit, investing in false hopes (stock options, flipping houses - this is in Taurus) or marrying a reality show bachelor who is not rich in real life come to mind.

Personally, this is the needed reflective pause before buying impulsively caution. If bidding on e-Bay, what is the likelihood a less expensive item of the same quality might appear in two days instead of bidding beyond one’s budget? Should you jump on the first job offer or wait for the one you want? Can the promises made and the hype presented be maintained? Do research. Check options. Figure out what you want and what meets your needs. Then decide, going for substantial quality only.

May 5 - Moon conjunct Taurus. While this happens once a month, the pattern seems more potent in the midst of the personal bodies in the solar system contacting Sedna in the same relative time frame. Stories about domestic security or lack there of, food stories - especially regarding seafood - are likely to appear.

To apply this rapid passage effectively, examine what sustains you. Establish minimum requirements for sleep, food, protection and emotional nurturing. Restore an agenda for one month to ensure you request and accept more than your minimum standards. Next month when the Moon meets Sedna again, reaffirm this pact of assuring your personal well being.

May 10 - Sun conjunct Sedna. This should be a quite large collective blip. Politically more of the talk of what endorsements have been received and rejected and by whom fill the news crawlers. When pundits review the stories of the day, the speculations address why a person chose as they did and muse as to what logic could have prompted such choices. Attention to the well being of the seas comes to light. Matters of poorly constructed housing or misappropriated housing funding come to light.

To apply this passage in a healthy manner, revisit not only what your minimums might be in terms of basic providence, add the elements of life that feed your soul and cause your spirit to soar to uplifted heights. This soaring might occur as the result of agreeing to take a two or three day dive into the personal unconscious to visit any underlying and yet unseen matters that need to surface. Symbolically, buy a brush, preferably a hair brush to honor the rendering the shamans offer by brushing Sedna’s long tresses.

May 16 - Venus conjunct Sedna. Here we have the strongest theme of relationship choices appearing in the media. Situations in which a person selected a mate because of stature or economic prowess come to light. Budgeting issues in social services matters appear as concerns and with requests for urban improvement. Gossip and chatter about who did what with whom and why likely runs on the amok side of the foul line.

Before engaging in any partnership, economic or emotional, or before taking an existing partnership to the next level, how about an accurate and thorough economic review heavy on the emotional impact of what that relationship bears? Should a partner promise the goods, it’ll be up to you to ensure the timely delivery of the goods, be those goods material or the delivery of episodes of emotional adoration and affection. Draw an accurate line in the sand, holding to your needs without issuing hard core demands or ultimatums. Declare it movie night (within three days of this transit) and watch the Sedna archetype movies Whalerider and Corpse Bride. Don’t forget the munchies that make your body tingle.

All of the above patterns involve Sedna essentially square Chiron and Neptune in Aquarius. When Sedna’s primary issues receive support and sustenance, one’s spirit decides to re-enter one’s body. A spirit in body person tends to be more vibrant, creative and contributive. Everyone benefits from a fully sanctioned spirit and satisfied person participating in life. Given that the matters so dear to Sedna receive clear, conscious decision making and one honor the psychic clearing blasts from Cygnus X-3, the Mars-Jupiter pattern just might find its high road manifestation.