Step Right Up! ~ 10 April 2008

When I attended the Norwac conference last week, I had occasion to walk through the shopping mall across the street from the venue. As I navigated around the kiosks in the center of the corridors, I was accosted by carnival barker-like sales persons from every mobile phone provider imaginable. “Step right up,” they barked, “and get Universal connectivity.” Really? Like to the planets and such? Today, with Jupiter square Eris, the connection came to me. The present planetary signatures work exactly like that. The barker of the cosmos calls out from mundane demands and solicits your attention, appealing for a combination of experience and wisdom to take a chance with the planetary carnival dancing around the ring of animals (zodiac) to capture your prize. Right now with all the stuff going on, much of it being more subtle and not so evident, all you need to do is harness energy, link effort to it and ride it for all it’s worth. After all, any mobile phone company can connect you globally. Maybe using one connection to the cosmic forces hooks you into the entire planetary network. That’s right. Step right up. Pick your planet. Place your intent. Focus your concentration and consciousness and toss your right to claim your prize into the heavens.

The most obvious pattern to seize at present: Sun square Jupiter. Here ego and belief systems collide. Maybe someone tells you what you should do. Should the order not agree with one’s beliefs about one’s aspirations and talents that idea gets ground faster than a MD Super 80 aircraft. Far better they ask for your participation in a mutually aligned effort. The more subtle element in this pattern comes from the Sun’s conjunction with Eris. Eris, of course, is the “I don’t want to use that dwarf planet. It’s so small. Besides, it upsets my system of interpretation.” To which Eris responds, “Too bad. If you won’t use me, you can’t use Pluto because of the same rationale.” Eris also underlines, emblazons in bold and increases font size and color to grab your attention to the idea that if an idea is big, progressive and life-changing in a good way, the discord in the short term is far worth it. Better that than the battle of the turf of the psyche in which one fights off the nagging demons of “You shudda, cudda (should of, could of).” I heard from the clouds as I flew past the magical Mount Rainier that Eris is our hyperlink into heavenly aspiration. Of course, that voice might have been jet lag and conference fatigue.

There’s yet another subtlety to the Sun-Jupiter square. Jupiter now engages continues to activate as the year advances, the notable black hole system SS433. This fabulous anomaly declares that one must balance and reset one’s etheric body and auric field. If that’s a head scratcher, how about adopting a simple week on/week off energy expenditure cycle? One week you can power out, amping up on everything and pushing with balance maximum thrust. The next week, ease back on the throttles to allow the slower responding mundane plane to catch up. As well, you can catch up on rest.

In a similarly energy conscious manner Mars in Cancer now passes the dog star, Sirius. Known in Hopi tradition as a potent star of emotional cleansing, the message states, apply some energy to clearing out emotional reactions, extreme sensations and hyperboles in the realm of reactions. Pump the psychic bilges based in the stomach and restore the accuracy of your belly barometer. Feel, clear, then react. Reaction in a fear-based, sensation-driven psyche-set might actually work against one’s greater well being. Oh yeah, eat decent chow. Without fuel to burn, your body crashes and goes more to the haywire side of reacting with promising planetary signatures.

Once again we have the Trans-Neptunian Object and possible dwarf planet, Ixion, moving back to the Great Attractor. While the story of Ixion is one of those icky mythologies, the gist of his message indicates when a second chance appears, apply consciousness, experience and available energy into making something more of the opportunity than you did last time. As those compelling forces tug on your sensibilities asking if you should make another run at the thing that you believed you missed out on before, clear emotional decks and however you handled the situation before, do it differently now. We can assume that far-fetched ideas assisted by Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn and Saturn in Virgo, make more sense now and appear far more fetching to those in funding and development arenas.

The hopefully soon to be named dwarf planet and ultra cool yet fiery in symbolism Kuiper Belt enigma 2003 EL61 now aligns in longitude with the revelatory Sombrero Galaxy. Up the road here in Arizona, observation of this galaxy early last century revealed the nature of red shift of light, confirmed galaxies external to our own and provided the needed verification such that we could safely conclude our Universe expands. Given our discoveries beyond Pluto since 2003, we have located a body that orbits our Sun and is to be an included member of the solar system that take more than 32,500 years to complete a revolution! If my math is right, this means the known breadth of our solar system has expanded nearly 50 times!! So much more space to fill with our consciousness - how cool is that? Think of this personally. Reach out to embrace all there is to understand. Disregard no bit of valid information or inspiration. Such an application of course pleases the Sun-Jupiter pattern and it delights Eris as new ideas enter the mix and upset the apple carts of stagnation and status quo.

Now I offer that last notation with some reserve. Jupiter soon (April 24th direct, May 24th retrograde) aligns with a bipolar erupting black hole system, retrograding virtually in alignment with it and then working with this trigger through December 1st. Nebraska Senator Chuck Hagel proposes a President-Vice President system that could carry members from differing political parties and administration cabinets that do the same. That idea, he contends, prevents political schizophrenia. It’s a neat and tidy application of this black hole’s energy. Since this black hole is reasonably close and very luminous, note those things shiny on immediate horizons. One of its messages (here’s the part requiring caution) suggests that you can always find the resources to do what you need to do. Now, I’m not saying splurge and spend crazily quickly falling into a black hole of debt. It’s tax time in the U. S. and even with the puny promised rebate we find ourselves, like our international co-travelers on planet Earth, pressed to keep up with rising petrol costs that exceed our increasing awareness of the width of our solar system. I am saying it’s time to plan, prepare and budget. Find a way not to short circuit needed tools of project development or consciousness enhancement. Find a way to propagate the ultimate Eris declaration: Create a quality of life worth living.

You’ll have to excuse me now. I’m going to take some game tokens from a pizza parlor, batting cage coins and a cell phone company coupon and apply them to next planetary wave I see..