No Small Change ~ 6 November 2008

Uranus spoke and Saturn granted... or was it that Saturn spoke and Uranus countermanded? Whichever way it was, the United States Presidential election is over complete with an historical result. That done, “let’s get back to work,” say the planets. A lot of astrological hay has been baled over the opposition between Saturn and Uranus - many casting horrible and fearful projections of doom and despair. Sure the market has tanked since the election, but it will come around. Let us also note that Jupiter in Capricorn - about which more will be appearing later and in future GT’s - trines Saturn and Sedna from his current position. Restoration of the fundamental needs of humankind can be reset. As an aside it is interesting that as Jupiter commences the trine to Sedna, goddess of the mammals of the oceans, that Animal Planet commences airing its new show, Whale Wars. Fitting into this grand trine as both Saturn and Jupiter mature in the degrees of the sign they occupy, we find the new planet Makemake. As the next weeks progress, things shall unfold, and slowly, deliberately reactions to the recent changes settle into place and calculably more change inches into place.

On a personal level, regardless of political affiliations or exact connections to the pattern, everyone gets to ride along. Great ideas applied receive a greater audience and more attentive ears than normal. Both the planets involved in the highly touted Saturn-Uranus pattern receive huge support from Jupiter, Sedna and Makemake. Deep thought receives careful consideration and deep roots grow, allowing new innovations to stand firm and not be swept away by emotional frenzies, fearful speculation or those who seek to abate progress. Sedna insists upon clear, basic priorities. She notices that a person worried about basic subsistence cannot tap into their more creative resources. She reaches out to offer practical solutions that build upon each other. Sometimes this goes stone by stone; regardless progress follows. Then she appeals to each spirit to reach down deep, beyond the normal thought layers to come up with ideas previously deemed too far out, too impossible or so other worldly assumed rejection destroyed attention.

Makemake, the birdman of Rapa Nui, brings parrots to mind. Like the birdman, a parrot can speak and comprehend human language and the dialogue of birds as well. The implication calls for a clearer understanding of differing ideas, bridging gaps and recognizing the value of ordinary realities and non-ordinary realities. He reminds us all to attend to the subtle signals, the flashes of insight and the whispers of the winds. He notes that all the information is present, but it requires receptivity to that which lies beyond the known. Sound esoteric? It’s not. Watching the flights of birds inspired humans to learn to take to the air. As Venus approaches the Galactic Center and Pluto in the next week or so, more inspiration than we know what to do with might appear. If nothing else, all the ideas seeded last year with Jupiter and Pluto to the Galactic Center can be recalled. Good thing the holiday season is coming - that way we have an excuse for missing the insights if we need one.

“Not a chance,” Jupiter smirks as he moves closer to a stirring pattern with Eris. Those who stick to the tried and not so true he promises to rile beyond sensibilities. His efforts contain merit. He’s working with the goddess of discord to do what it takes to get people to move above and beyond any frozen tundras of consciousness. Despite one’s political reaction to the election in the U. S., the quality of the energy in the air has changed. Sure Wall Street is worried. Any avaricious ways maintained in the investment business that contradict the progressive sensibilities of consciousness just might get their butts kicked by Eris. Let us remember, Jupiter and Eris conspired to right wrongs and to reset the “way things are” into evolving archetypes. Perhaps this is the point where the saying, “It is what it is,” yields to “It becomes what it must be.”

Progressive trends abound. Change is happening like it or not. Evolve or at least be polite enough to move out of the way. With all the talk of 2012, hyped into equal fear-ridden nonsense as was the first of the Saturn-Uranus passages, what if we consider that evolution does not happen at the snap of fingers? Evolution builds upon any sequence or series of shifts of consciousness. Consider that the intricate pattern weaving of Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, Makemake, Eris and Sedna provide a portal of expanding awareness the likes of which seek to build upon the realizations downloaded with last year’s passages of Jupiter and Pluto to the Galactic Center. We got those downloads, right? Now, we’re ready to use them, right? So by the last Saturn-Uranus conjunction which occurs in Aries-Libra square Pluto, we’ve deleted a heap of non working policies and installed progressive protocols, right? And then the next wave of patterns begins that include Jupiter to Haumea and before you know it, Haumea to Eris. By the time the Mayan Calendar ends (yawn), we’ve completed a series of shifts and changes such that the new world promised organically commences without the blink of an eye. Right?

This is a huge cycle. According to the newscasts here in the United States an entirely new political era commenced in this country. That is but a single manifestation of the patterns prevailing above. All we have to do is lift our fingers to change the consciousness. It is lofty. It is big. It is happening. And despite a few mundane belches and flatulent protests of the archaic, it’s pretty dang cool.

Finally, the Trans-Neptunian body, Ixion, now returns to align with the Great Attractor. The short of it: Ixion was a pretty naughty individual who blew a second chance provided by Zeus-Jupiter. His message: Work second chances right. The Great Attractor represents the inclusion of all, the exclusion of none. It’s theme is irresistible and its potential enlightenment staggering. Rachel Maddow commented on her political show the night following the election that the U. S. Foreign policy was granted a precious second chance. Today’s political rumors suggest that Putin may return to the Kremlin - not that his return marks anything to celebrate. But get it right now is in the air. Anything is possible to mend/amend.