Long and Short ~ 2 Dec 2008

It’s an odd mixture of energy out there - not exactly oil and water but close to it. Yesterday and today as Mercury moved by the Great Attractor in Sagittarius, a point which excludes no known electromagnetic emanation, President Elect Obama fleshed out a multiracial, multi-partisan, downright ecumenical cabinet. Also in Sagittarius, the Sun and Mars prepare to join combustible forces on the 4th similarly aligned to the Great Attractor. Perhaps this alignment can illuminate more differences in the interest of bringing opposing parties together. This seems a key point as the world nervously watches relations between India and Pakistan in the wake of last week’s terrorist atrocity.

If the Great Attractor’s energy is manifest in the interest of enlightenment, healing and restoring understanding even between those most at odds, things do even neatly. A key Sag point underscores the Great Attractor and transits soon commencing to the Galactic Center. In order for progress to occur between differing persons, factions, countries or planets, any conversion agenda must be dropped. If one approaches others with the intent of altering the opinion of others to comply with one’s own, no progress can be made. Step one is to agree that no matter what your opinion of another person’s opinion, one must understand that the opinion held by others is one of their beliefs and they endorse it whole heartedly, much as one does with one’s own differing position. Then, and only then, can real communication progress occur. It’s fun with Sag patterns to seek out someone you believe to be intelligent and life savvy whose views differ from yours and ask how they walked the logic line to the conclusions they claim as beliefs. Of course, the effort, per Sag, may be a one way street. Having expectations of mutual reciprocity during Sag transits may not be the best approach.

Because of its phenomenal gravity the Great Attractor bends light so intensely that one can actually see what’s behind it. The key point: transparency may be more the matter than one cares to believe. The holiday trick of which hand behind the back holds the treat becomes extra easy to decode.

Meanwhile, for anyone not experiencing cloudy nights the last few evenings, the display of Venus, Jupiter and the Moon, all in Capricorn certainly offered up celestial holiday lights. Last evening the news in Tucson went on about how the alignment looked like an upside down frowning face. Not so in the pics I’ve seen of the alignment from South Africa. The point: it’s the perspective from which you see it. It was beautiful and with three influences considered as being traditionally benefic, why did it feel so strange? The alignment did fall on the black hole that pushes people to find a way around impossible circumstances, discover unknown resources and figure out the tricks of manifestation. The market certainly reacted. Of course, the market now operates like a psychotic cat, jumping off all fours at the slightest noise.

Perhaps it’s because we are still unfamiliar with the first passage of Pluto through Capricorn since his discovery. We go through this sucky prophecy interval with every Plutonian sign change and once we learn to integrate Eris, Sedna, Makemake and Haumea, the same will be true there. Astrologers forecast the end of religion as we know it with Pluto in Sag. Wrong answer. So the prophecies declaring economic doom, the end of money and a world rioting and fighting for grubs to eat might have a tinge of dramatic amplification included, eh? But it makes for potent blogging.

There are harsh comments out there attempting to address the Capricorn holiday transits. Seems to me those who do not understand dwarf planets like Pluto, fear them. Make no mistake, the dwarf planets will not be ignored. Consider dwarf planet Ceres square Mars and dwarf planet Eris quincunx Saturn, both patterns in virtual exactitude in the Mumbar attacks. Fear them and you expose your psychic flanks. Understand the upside of the bodies and they work with you to go beyond previously known dimensions and explore greater vastness of consciousness.

Some blogs and forum posts seem to savor the potential doom and gloom of the conjunction of Mars, Sun and Pluto, albeit wide for the Sun, as the holiday of Christmas comes into culmination. I know Capricorns who intend to return all Christmas presents received, knowing that none of them will meet their quality standards. Some astrological commenteers have suggested this will be the most miserable Christmas ever; no one will like any present. Well-known pundits have blogged that due to the economy we should stop buying presents and cease spending money, saving it for upgrading the basement (an underground place Pluto might favor). Others argue that without spending for holiday luxuries, the economy tanks further.

The upcoming not visible alignment of the Sun, Mars and Pluto desperately lusts to underscore the recent optically awesome alignment of Venus, Jupiter and the Moon, which was in a trine to Sedna and Saturn while square to Eris. Did you see the alignment? If your world was clouded in, do some quick Internet searches so you too can enjoy the wonder. It’s almost as if humankind viewed a modern version of the Star of Bethlehem (by some accounts Mars, Jupiter and Saturn in alignment). This is not about invoking a religious mythology. It’s more basic. Simply looking up and seeing the celestial trio of benefic bodies potentially inspired awe in those taking time to view, breathe it in and ponder the Mystery of Creation. The pattern screamed out to the inhabitants of the world to restore a sense of wonder, reverence and awe, such that a life of quality can be created by riding a wave of inspired consciousness carries psyches forward with optimism and innovation.

If one reverts to hard core mythology, Mars and Pluto, co-rulers of Scorpio, share agendas and operate with crystal clear intent. Given the background sky of intensely potent pulsars in Capricorn, a whole heap of messages wait for those with sufficient focus, intent, determination and inspiration - all attributes of a Mars-Pluto combo.

In slightly more than a month, Jupiter changes ecliptical passport affiliation from Capricorn to Aquarius. Let us hope the embellishment and drama of matters mundane, money and economic acquisition return to some level of perspective. It will soon be time to calm down, reposition the thinking caps on top of the head and remembering that as inhabitants of Earth, we’re all in this together.

Oh yeah, there’s still time for a couple more looks at Venus and Jupiter. You think they really are cooperating to grant wishes?