Hold or Leap ~ 21 Oct 2008

On Friday of this week, I’ll be moving within Arizona. As of Friday, my new contact information will be:

1041 W Roller Coaster (yep, that’s real, you betcha!)

Tucson AZ 85704

Any mail sent hereafter should be directed to the above address.

Office Phone: 520.888.1920

I’ll be settled in on the week of the 27th and good to go. Please review the offers at the end of this GT for perks.

Some may ask, “Wow! You’re moving in such a chaotic time!” Precisely. Regardless of how the pattern fits our personal horoscopes, we all endure the increasing tightness of Saturn, direct, and Uranus, retrograde, inching closer together for a grand culmination on November 4th. Astrologers point out that Saturn represents the old, tried and true, tradition, status quo, structure, stability, maturity, methodology, discipline and reward for hard work. Similarly, they note that Uranus antithetically supports change, jumping off the cliff, shifting gears, increasing vibration, elevating the chakras, foolish advance, folly, courage, puer/puella attributes, ditching the stodgy, cantankerousness, contrariness and taking the plunge. No doubt life feels like a paper clip being bent to and fro by the larger hands of fate. The Saturn-Uranus prescription reads: Bend, do not break. Before it’s too late, make progressive changes as needed. Though uncomfortable, you’ll be better for it.

This pattern registers in a critical angle to a few cosmically potent black holes in Sagittarius. The first reports, “Practice what you preach.” Fine and dandy that’s so easy to spout out of the teapot collection of adages. What if a person’s beliefs no longer serve their nature? Science offers some refuge. When we learn the world is round, we gracefully stop thinking in flat world terms, right? Find a cosmic set of “rules” that accommodate the constructive, evolutionary shifts in one’s nature. Abandon flawed belief systems, especially those that regardless of your emotional conviction, undisputedly have been proved false. That’s the hard part: unwrapping from the familiar and rewrapping around the strange unfamiliar. Working on it is better; otherwise whatever remains coiled and constricted upon failed beliefs will unravel - or be extricated - like it or not.

Next, these black holes insist that you speak from your position of authority, experience and wisdom and only those positions. If you are not an expert and pontificate as if, likely the unknowns come back around for a bite in the butt. This is no time to teach what you do know yet know. Hell, economic forecasters did that all over the place and now look at us. Hunker down with hope and dredge your accumulated awareness for the gems of consciousness that apply, especially in the most uncertain of times. Avoid the pot calling the kettle black syndrome. Poor examples of this principle pepper the election campaigns of candidates running for office in the U. S. if any such example furthers and merits exploration. Quietly and efficiently apply the innovations and insights that come your way. When they are installed, others will ask what’s up and how did things shift for you so smoothly? After the fact, feel free to report all you wish.

Two days before (November 2nd) exactitude of Saturn and Uranus, Venus, merrily skipping along in the optimistic forests of Sagittarius, comes up to square Saturn and Uranus with equal tension. Our needs, desires and values enter into the mix. Pluto has a few parting insights to shout from the Galactic Center as he approaches the cusp of Capricorn, the best of which is: “Dude (gender non-specific in the underworld), your bottom line is your bottom line.” It’s true. You want what you want and nothing less will do. In this ravaged economy, Venus, as she executes one of her clearly adorable poses used to deliver a “good one,” says, “It’s all about creating a life worth living, isn’t it?” Too much or too little make a soul miserable, misery and poor, despite objective assessments of wealth. These attributes go neatly to Charon, who if not properly petitioned with coin, leaves you out in no person’s land, the netherworld, purgatory, stuck in the middle and with no place to go. That’s no fun. Venus probes your emotional sensibilities to find out how much is “just right.” It’s the Goldilocks syndrome. You’ve got to find porridge of the perfect temperature.

Boil those buckwheat groats, cook those grits and percolate that cream of rye. Let us not overlook that on the 25th Mars crosses the alchemical midpoint of the Galactic and Super-Galactic Centers. This inspires more last minute magician/wizard costumes for Halloween than most recent years and requires of all people that proper heat, pressure, activity and intent be applied to ingredients life provides.