Venerating Venus ~ August 13, 2007

Come Friday (Aug 17th) Venus and the Earth reach exact alignment. This conjunction marks the technical halfway point of Venus through her retrograde interval. Simultaneously, Venus stands aligned with the Sun as well. At this time, maximum solar light is shed upon the issues of Venus in a most direct manner. Money, romantic matters, creative endeavors, social issues and the like all receive intense conscious scrutiny courtesy of the Sun. As noted in preceding GT’s, this is a fairly savvy time to launch a creative endeavor, apply for a grant or seek funding for a project.

Venus can be aligned with the Sun from the Earth’s point of view in two ways. As is true on Friday, Venus can be “seen” even with the Sun relative to the ecliptic when it is in between the Earth and Sun, creating an inferior conjunction. Since Venus is an inferior planet to Earth - simply meaning closer to the Sun - Friday’s alignment is an inferior conjunction of an inferior planet and Venus is retrograde during these conjunctions. As well, Venus reaches a solar alignment when it is on the opposite side of the Sun. This is known as a superior conjunction of an inferior planet. Classical references suggest the superior conjunction of an inferior has more of an opposition quality, whilst the inferior conjunctions still act like conjunctions.

Interestingly, in either of these cases an inferior planet is not visible during either of these conjunctions. When between the Earth and Sun, the solar light devours the light of the planet. When the planet orbits on the opposite side of the Sun, it is blocked out by the Sun, in a pattern that is akin to an eclipse. Since that which can be seen symbolizes the conscious it is interesting to note that during either of these direct conjunctions, the temporarily invisible planet takes on a bit of “out of sight, out of mind.”

Does that mean the issue is ignored? Not exactly. What it does mean is that the agenda of the planet slips by conscious attention filters into other motivation aspects of the psyche. Perhaps the planetary impulses become more instinctive, subconscious or unconscious. Regardless, the theme of the planet prevails - in this case Venus - in the undercurrent of pretty much all mundane activity. The Sun applies the conscious push and if done with the influence of gravity, attraction of individuals, circumstances and stuff occurs organically, naturally and crisis-free.

Perhaps a great way of using the energy of Friday comes from first acknowledging whatever wishes, desires and hopes linger inside the psyche, yet without cogent presence. A series of proclamations suggesting that a person instinctively knows what is good for what ails the spirit and can seize an unexpected and soulfully contributing opportunity in a moment’s notice works well. Recognizing all inner stirring works brilliantly. This alignment is all about Leo, after all, and ultimately reveals what fills a person’s heart. Coincident with the Venus-Sun conjunction, Mercury leads the charge toward Virgo. He’ll scout the terrain and note what mojo might be needed for what lies over the next horizon. Days later, when the Sun reaches Saturn (August 21st), it all catches up with you. Hopefully, Mercury took mercy upon you and set aside some of the trickster’s energy - he was only trying to rekindle the spark of your spirit - and provided clear instructions. Saturn grants you a big sigh to suck in the necessary oxygen to feed your brain and nudges you to commence planning, scheduling and getting on with your greatest inner desires. How cool is all that?

While Mars now reaches out to catch up with Jupiter, he’s not a major player this week in the pattern. This notation leads to the reminding everyone that Mars was abnormally close - more than a once in a lifetime close - back in 2003. It IS NOT unusually close at this time. Regardless of how close Mars was in August 2003, he did not appear the size of the full moon. So delete all the e-mail forwards on this topic. A little logic might suggest that if Mars appeared the size of the Moon, we might be more concerned about the order of the Universe and our fate in it, than how cool it looks. You might still be able to catch remnants of the Perseid Meteor shower tonight if you wander outside should you need some visual cosmic wowing for your conscious mind. If you don’t see any meteors, you can feast your eyes on the near alignment of Jupiter to Antares - the heart of the Scorpion. Consider that spectacular showing your reminder to use aspiration and insight as the current that pumps blood through the heart.

It’s been weary-ing for many out there of late. But take note, when Saturn hits Virgo next month busy and agenda-driven times arrive. Get a little rest and clear your head. Lethargy soon disappears in the rear view mirror.

Perhaps you might shop the store on my site. There’s heaps of stuff to prod and poke a sluggish psyche into a reinvigorated state. Just like everyone else, I’m getting busy, as well. In fact, the schedule starting in September gets really busy. That means consultation time slots starting next month become much more scarce.