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Jupiter and Sedna Scramble in Gemini ~ 22 Apr 2024

Soon Jupiter and Sedna align in Gemini. This will trigger a whole different ball game. The lord of classical Greco-Roman mythology soon engages and kicks off a cross-cultural meld of arctic mythology with what has been the consensus lore for eons. Previously, Jupiter, in an astronomical manner, reached across the globe to connect with Pacific star lore. He virtually shares Aries perihelion degrees with the primary lord of Rapa Nui, the dwarf planet Makemake. So, the Aries riff, the mythology of the Pacific, like the Greco-Roman archetypes seek to inspire a person to make something personally great from all the gifts granted with incarnation combined with the experience and wisdom accrued through life on Earth.

The mythology of Sedna reads like a very bad movie script. Sedna was wooed by a bird man from another land, who in disguise, promised the Sun, the Moon and the stars. Actually, he was capable only of providing a couple of broken lights and some shiny objects pilfered by himself and his feathered friends. Sedna, heartbroken and woefully disappointed, summoned her father to the rescue... and here’s where the story from the arctic north land really goes south.

Back to beginning of this story and its inciting incident. Sedna’s father presented her with a vast collection of hunter-gatherers as potential mates. Nearly more than can be swiped away on an app during a morning beverage. Sedna rejected all of them. Some time later, the bird man, in his sneaky disguise, uttered silver-tongued promises to Sedna.

Sedna conducted no duo diligence. She never even Googled him. Reportedly, without hesitation, she stepped onto the kayak paddled by the bird man and away they went.

With Jupiter in Gemini conjunct Sedna, here’s what can be verified from the set-up in this myth:

Sedna did nothing to verify or reality check the bird man’s claims. Sedna accepted the bird man’s promises as deliverable and true.

She, of her own conscious volition, stepped onto the kayak and sailed off to distant lands with the bird man. She chose what to do and that is what she did.

Now, Gemini, ruled by Mercury, possesses the ability to engage in multidimensional mind games. With enough thought and mental gymnastics, any idea might seem like a good idea. Snap decisions often get made. Sometimes, in the interest of objectivity, one in a mercurial head space conversely spends too much time considering all points of view, objective or otherwise, miring to a cognitive halt. Sometimes, per Sedna’s modality, virtually no time gets spent in deliberation. It all depends upon where ones head is centered. What must be kept in mind is that impulsive Sedna intends to occupy Gemini for years, and soon will be coerced into making decisions that claim to be opportunistic.

Jupiter believes everything he thinks is correct, carved in stone, and the doctrine of God. Just ask him. Pontification urges, underscored by insane self-righteousness, commonly overtake the cognition process. Jupiter loves to justify. Jupiter passionately engages in the grandest of rationalizations. Given these skills, once Jupiter decides something is so, or the way to go, it’s no doubt the best idea since sliced bread, even if it’s not. There’s nothing stopping the enthusiasm that swells inside... unless life fails to yield projected results.

Constructive thought-provoking suggestions for Jupiter in Gemini aligned with Sedna and soon thereafter in trine to Pluto are:

Clearly and consciously pursue desires without reservation.

Make non justified decisions.

Tell yourself the truth about all situations you engage, mostly that you decided to go this way.

Should circumstances seem yucky, choose to step out of the muck, reconsider all alternatives, set a corrective direction, then proceed that way. Tarry not.

Blame no one, most especially yourself for circumstances coming from a choice should things not turn out brilliantly. Simply correct matters and move on.

At the get-go, reassess decisions and circumstances created by those decisions with circumspection as soon as the vibration of the shift wanes. Decide to continue or not. It’s your call. Own it as such.

On 25 May Jupiter in Gemini conjoins Sedna, soon (2 June) moving to trine Pluto in Aquarius. Before these notable transits and appearing on the transit docket before you know it, the following astrological staging occurs:

20 May - Sun conjunct Sedna in Gemini

22 May - Sun in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius

23 May - Venus conjunct Sedna in Gemini

24 May - Venus in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius.

Each of these transits preset the Jupiter to Sedna conference and offer assistance in advance such that, while fresh in recent memory, the meaning of life events accurately contribute to the path one pursues. Here, it is important to consider the incidents seeking engagement ahead and consider if the objective is to get what one wants or what one needs.

The upshot of the solar transits: Be conscious. Get clear on your side of the story. Resist the temptation to spin any “fact” in life into something off the wall.

The significance of the Venus transits: The truth is you want what you want. The truth is you intend to do whatever you need to do to get what you want. No justifying. No rationalizing. Go for it and accept all that comes with the engagement.

The big guy in Gemini’s trine to Pluto’s Aquarius track unconsciously seeks to surface the best of the underworld and use those things fully and freely. The inspiration to reach out and do great things for the world is there. Will such things occur? If and only if, people vacate sufficient time, and more important the energy and intent to do to apply all facets in life consciously and with non justified self-awareness that this is the only choice to fit the moment.

Mars will in the not-so-distant future line up with Sedna and trine Pluto, too. On 21 July he packs both transits into one day. Here, the impetus shifts to getting on with the clear, conscious pursuit of all things desired in life without double-clutching based upon unnecessary mental gymnastics. Decide to do it. Do it. Accept the consequences and all that comes from doing it. For purposes of consideration here, a consequence can be a good thing or a not-so-good thing. It’s simply the result of action taken.

At this point the message of two SkyScrapings ago bears repeating. All gaseous giants over the next few years, either sextile or trine Pluto in Aquarius. Saturn and Neptune will sextile Pluto from Aries. Jupiter and Uranus trine Pluto from Gemini. If there was ever a time for humankind to become fraught with kind humans, this shall be it.

It occurs if led by those clear on their desires and objectives and actively and consciously engaging tasks to manifest results that match inspired objectives and aspirations.

More soon.

What are you waiting for? Gemini is soon in session. Can there be such a thing as too much information? Before then, it would be simply awesome to use the links below to get everything you need astrologically that I can offer and to proceed knowing the path taken aligns with the sanction provided by the sky above.

One Stop Shopping  •  Store Order Form  •  Astrological Texts

Check out the links below. As soon as possible pictures and more information will appear on the film’s website. Before you know it, we’ll have a trailer to tease appearances at what will hopefully be a film festival near you.


The Unbridled Movie

The Unbridled Movie IMDb


You can watch my short films ELEVATOR PITCH and OTRO LADO on The Flick Fest  



METEORIC Movie  ZAP! the Film  •  JACK OF ALL LANTERNS Movie  •  Philip's IMDb

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