Planetary Potpourri: Twists and Turns ~ 08 February 2008

Just in case you have an inner blurry feeling going on that resists the influence of caffeine infusions or the endorphin surge contributed by exercise or chili peppers, fear not. It’s a bit in the air. An interesting collection of planetary patterns intends to punctuate our psyches over the next few weeks and these patterns involve the new planets Eris and Sedna. Recently I decided to note all direct contacts to both of these planets that appear over the next months so they can inch into intentional application in our lives, instead of being resisted. After all, like it or not, the influences of Sedna and Eris are here to stay. If the harsh mythologies of these planets fail to please your sensibilities, we’ll take the approach of using the dynamical nature of the planets’ orbital elements. These elements inscribe the collective consciousness with a mission statement and associated choice criteria as well as supporting a sense of urgency that inspires action based upon clear intent and impeccably strong resolve.

For now, we’ll address the twists and turns of the planetary surges for the balance of February.

But first, the weather. This week in the U.S. a series of unusual winter tornadoes ripped through the south central portion of the country. This winter the deserts of Arizona received a generous portion of rain that without the influence of El Niño stands out as unusual. Knowing that transits to the perihelion of Mars (6 Pisces 15, by heliocentric measure) tend to produce extreme weather patterns, I pondered what stimulation brought this about. Finally it came to me. Saturn in Virgo now approaches the aphelion of Mars - also equally potent in the weather patterning. This effect culminates in late March and applies to global weather anomalies, not just those noted in the U.S. As well, Saturn to the most-distant retreat point in the orbit of Mars suggests calming down or at least for the need for calming down such that details can be sorted and solutions found from what appears to be life’s scramble and the rush to comprehend the evocative forces of the new planets.

So, back to now and those pesky and persistent new planets. That fuzzy feeling goes to the Sun’s movement up to direct alignment with Neptune and lasts for several more days. Here we have the effort of the first light of day to dissolve whatever fog formed during the dark of night. Add to this a tense ninety degree angle to the “make a good strong conscious choice” energy of Sedna and you must sort through a diffuse nebulosity to wrap around important life decisions. The suggestion of this pattern, especially during the prevailing Mercury retrograde and with a gazillion planets hanging out in the lofty abstractions of Aquarius is that one might conclude that a few days more might be okay to add to the decision making process. Good thought. Be clear that you’re clear.

In this same time element, Venus, subject to the high quality and frugality-based standards of Capricorn, also experiences a tense nudge from the other new planet Eris. Certainly value systems shift. This pattern received personification in my mind as I listening to a client with an extremely positive credit rating contemplate the evils/merits of bankruptcy to get out from under being upside down in the real estate crisis in this country. To this woman it seemed the only way out of a negative, impossible economic condition brought about by getting caught in the frenzy of real estate speculation. Eris, with orbital elements in Taurus and Libra, reevaluates economic beliefs and works to liberate a person from any addiction to status, success or stuff. With the trine to Sedna and her “make conscious choices” doctrine, difficult decisions regarding money, work, property and relationships slowly unfold. To ensure a healthy sort of sorting, add the connection of Venus to the energy rich, kundalini inspired black hole system, SS433. Simply, get clear on whether you’re coming or going, notice how energy ebbs and flows and assign yourself a week on, week off protocol of dealing with life until you feel energetic solidity returning to your belly and stability within the point where your spirit joins your body. Following the flow prevents energetic fuse blowing and is not an indication of inconsistency or flip-flopping.

As the 21st of the month appears, Mars finishes off his triptych of oppositions to the Galactic Center. You get one more chance to grab the galactic goodie bag of insight and inspiration that desperately wants to give you viable progressive ideas to weave into your life’s work or career. If you can’t get clear on what idea to apply first, why not write down all brilliant inspirations you’ve imagined since last December, load them into a piñata and take a whack at that thing? You’ll be using the action of Mars for sure. Since Mars zips through the last of dualistic Gemini, pick the two idea fortunes that land closest to your feet. Get started on those ideas right away. If you have no idea how to get started, why not enter the name a telescope contest? That’ll get you percolating about deep space energy. Honest! Go for it, but come right back.

Getting started on the ideas you do grasp works with another curious pattern shaping up into precision of the 26th. Dwarf planet Ceres meets up with dwarf planet Sedna also for the third time (previously mid-August and the third week of October of last year), and each of these conjunctions involved a tense pattern to imaginative Neptune. Noticing irritation actually affords a healthy step here. Life conditions that did not turn out as planned, expected or promised fit the pattern’s description. Should you feel that circumstances hold an idea, aspiration or thing of yours hostage, you must come up with a plan to liberate the incarcerated commodity without releasing a swath of wrath that does more harm than good. Revenge is out of the question. Reclaiming what is rightfully yours whether it is a thing, feeling or part of your energy offers the solution. Make clear statements and demands, issuing no ultimatums or calling no bluffs.

Funny how it goes with these new dwarf planets. They intend to reorder one’s life by finding flaws in the choice process, setting it straight and creating the necessary constructive upheaval to get life back on track. Luckily, this February we have an added day to allow the furies and fates to fan the fires of fortune.