Pre-Equinox Summary ~ 14 September 2007

Mercury now passes the Sombrero Galaxy, which was used by astronomers up the road about a century ago to confirm the theory of red shift and more, indicated there were galaxies external to our own and that the Universe expands. Maybe that’s why the sense that there’s got to be something more... something better... something beyond... drifts through the late summer/winter airwaves on the cusp of a seasonal change.

Then again, maybe it’s the upcoming transit of Jupiter to the all inclusive, every spectrum known lives here, Great Attractor (exact transit is September 29th). This cosmic thing bends all perceptions and gets a little antsy in consideration of what comes next. The GA does things in a galactically huge way and Jupiter does things in a planetarily huge way; combined it’s all big and beyond. I’ve been looking for manifestations of this upcoming era of potential breakthroughs in the media. Britney Spears, whose Sun is on the Great Attractor and now enjoys the “too much of a good thing” Jupiter there too, performed at the Video Music Awards this week. Her song, “Gimme More,” was poorly lip-synched at best, her costume showed too much, her dancing, well it wasn’t up to par and speculation exists that she had too much before the performance. Oh, you want a better example?

The Secret made it into the collective airwaves recently, in accord with this transit. The characters on HBO’s show Entourage, discussed the principles of the work while at a film festival in Cannes. The most skeptical of the cast concluded (as part of the plot) that he didn’t believe that sitting around on his ass and thinking good thoughts was going to change life. Well, there you go. This phenom book/DVD also worked its way into Showtime’s Weeds. In this show a widowed housewife in a moderately affluent southern California community sells marijuana as a way to put food on the table and pay the rent. Needless to say, she gets tangled all with those from all over the spectrum. In the last episode, a drug dealing gangster named to honor a retrograde, U-Turn, now sitting in one of his fleet of Prius hybrid automobiles hands the troubled woman a DVD of The Secret, demanding that she watches it that night. I can’t wait to see where that plot point goes. See, consciousness is weaving into the mainstream... but in bite-sized palatable pieces that can be easily swallowed.

Over the next week our solar system ruler, the Sun, and eager to stir the pot, Mars, form an argumentative pattern with one another observed from afar by crossing guard, Saturn in Virgo. The Sun emphasizes Virgo in its own big way, as well. The sign of Virgo somewhere along the line assumed the reputation for keen-eye observation, discernment, critical-thinking (not meaning criticizing) and the ability to formulate discrete (as opposed to discreet) conclusions. Right now and in this pattern and a few more transits to come soon, Virgo prevails. Rules are rules. The template cannot be smashed without an interim period of extreme, exceptional and more than disruptive chaos (going for Jupiter hyperboles there). Use the foundation in place and build in a more enlightened direction, so suggests the transiting trends. It may not be helpful to go on the attack, judge, shred via sharp edged critiques and put down. But it is completely helpful to notice what gets under your skin. From major concepts that guide life to the details of everyday life that raise the ire, take copious notes for your consciousness to apply.

As the week progresses, the Sun squares the Galactic Center on the 19th and Mars opposes it on the 21st. Why do we care about this non-solar system thingamabob? Because the GC showers us with the essence and energy of inspiration such that in our Secret and discreet moments of honing in with whatever we call “source,” the solutions appear. After the solutions, comes action with intention. How cool is it that the Sun’s “get clear on it” agenda precedes Mars’ “get off your ass urge” by two days?!

During the time when Jupiter engages the GA, all bets are on. Nothing stands outside the realm of comprehension, which leads to creative inception and action. As noted in the last Galactic Times, Jupiter also carries the creation-minded Quaoar and second chance Ixion in his bulging hip pockets. That’s no small change offered by these small, distant Kuiper Belt bodies.

You’ve read the hype of Jupiter and Pluto to the Galactic Center that ranges between October and December. It’s going to get busy. It’s going to get thick, intense, inspired and the download duty reaches maximum, two notches beyond previously known redlines. These next two weeks, for those yet unsure of how to address this potent time that stands on the next horizon, tip the Cosmic Hand. It starts with irritation, frustration and wishing things would get better and that more would hurry its sorry butt up in getting here. It’s followed by inspiration and a plan of action directed by consciousness.

My creative partner (Sun on the Galactic Center) and I are doing our best; and it ain’t easy. We’re pitching our heads off with TV ideas and waiting excruciatingly long intervals before response and implementation. We know that entertainment does not t yet embrace our view of consciousness fully. So we work within existing concepts and stretch and bend just enough to render a bite sized bit of grounded Galacticism. In any realm, and by anyone, it can be done. How cool is that?