Machinations of Mars ~ 11 November 2007

The Internet and news services have been abuzz with cosmic revelations of late. Besides the splitting of the tail of Comet Holmes in the past day, the star 55 Cancri made this week’s front pages. Back in 1997 this star in the constellation Cancer (zodiac position: 7 Leo 51) revealed itself to bear a planet in orbit around it. Since then, several other planets came to light. This week, astronomers reported a fifth planet in this solar system. This newly announced planet is a gaseous giant, similar to Jupiter. The big buzz surrounds the fact that this planet lies in the assumed “habitable zone” of this solar system. While the gaseous giant is not likely to support life, one of its suspected moons just might be able to support life as we know it. Again, that’s life as we know it: carbon based, requiring water, an atmosphere and a comfortable temperature for survival.

Astronomers and theologians marvel at the prospects of other life in the Universe. Really, it’s hard to know why it’s so astounding. Any odds player in a casino realizes the astronomical possibility of life given the estimated 70 sextillion star candidates in Creation. In this country, we’re cool with it. One of our presidential candidates, Rudy Giuliani, answered a young boy’s question at a rally by proclaiming that if we were attacked by life forms from other planets, we are prepared. In the other party, the rather cosmically hip, but completely unelectable, Dennis Kuchinich, admitted in a debate he had seen an unidentified flying object and felt he did communicate with it. Men from Mars? Probably not, but it was also just announced in the Hollywood Reporter that a remake of the classic, antiwar, “aliens setting us straight” movie, The Day the Earth Stood Still cast its lead roles.

Speaking of Mars, he retrogrades this week, starting to reverse tracks on the 15th at 8:26 U.T. while at 12 Cancer 27. Referred to as a “cosmic illusion” in which Mars becomes brighter than normal (but not like the annual blitz of several year old e-mails about the once in lifetime closeness) by news outlet sources, astrologers offer cautions for folks out there. Whoa. Slow down. Regroup. Restate. Percolate again. Redirect the action.

Review all actions that fell short, failed to receive appropriate response, where you may have lost interest due to a lack of instant gratification, or aborted because of internal changes with companies you approached. Go ahead and nudge any effort falling into the above categories. That’s a nudge, not a blustery effort that may feel like a knock down blow on the receiving end.

To start next year off right, Mars backs into Gemini on New Years Eve Day at 16:01 UT. Given Mars retrogrades back into Gemini’s communicative nature, consider revamping all communication. Answer even the unasked questions. Verify that all necessary information has been succinctly presented; properly implying completely and comprehensively all necessary aspects, and in an organized sequence of necessary events or task sequence. It’s possible proposals and plans dropped through the cracks because of a lack of detail, which may have left those supposedly shouldering the task feeling overburdened and daunted by the chore ahead.

Knowing all this, you can:

Check all incomplete plans, projects, proposals and... since Dec 2005 (last Mars going direct point).

Take another internal look to see if the above still have legs and that you can muster the emotional enthusiasm to proceed with the plan.

Review plans for completeness, order and clarity

Ask for a second look, given that circumstances have changed as they have (no need to be specific about the circumstances, that should be understood.

Once reignited any unfulfilled issue, expect to hold your feet to the fire into early April before making another status determination and decision for the future.

On January 10th, Mars retreats back opposite the Galactic Center again. Whatever renderings have been received with the previous Mars opposition, Jupiter’s December alignment or the persuasion of Pluto to the GC for the last year, take a moment to review and improve the agendas. Keeping in mind that the GC bears the leading edge, ultra-progressive ideas, some down-streaming and making mundane of ideas might help disseminate great information. If no ideas have yet come your way, take down time from action and activity and establish daily listening spells to see if there are ideas seeking your attention.

Mars returns direct on January 30th at 22:24 UT, at 24 Ge 05, as astrologers measure it. Collectively, this could feel like a breath of fresh air, an early look at the cleansing efforts of the equinox or a moment’s reprieve. Come February 22nd, Mars finishes the trilogy of oppositions to the Galactic Center. You know all those great plans and doctrines received? Well, get on with them. Mars returns to security-setting Cancer on March 4th, restoring the emotional passions last felt in 07's holiday season. Finally, on April 4th, Mars clears the shadow, or the degree it occupied when it assumed retrograde motion. Any projects set up in November or December likely will take into April to sprout fruit-promising buds. As Mars is never inclined to declare, “A little patience, please.”

Mars, behind Venus, is number two planetarily in our solar system for the least amount of time spent retrograde. When Mars does retrograde, it merits full attention and a propitiation of reaffirmed, well-intended energy.

Recently video of dust storms on Mars appeared on various sites online. They were amazing, but to us desert rats who see these things all the time, we were not as easily impressed by the grit. It’s kind of like that with Mars retrograde. When you show up, all battle-weary, bloodied, dusty and haggard from your quests in life, you might get a drink of water from unimpressed persons hiding in comfort. They may even accuse your demeanor of being dramatic or histrionic. Take note. Those who have no Martian callouses of life effort evident on the soul (intentional) of their hands or the hand print of their soul may not be able to align with that fiery quest of yours. Their intense questions may be an indication of their quest-shun (yes, that’s a recycled line of mine from long ago, but with Mars retrograde, quoting yourself is not plagiarism; and it’s a good phrase).