Stardust Descends Upon Earth ~ 12 January 2006

Next Sunday if you happen to be in the western United States and awake at between 2:56 and 2:59 A.M., MST, you’ll see quite a fireball. What you witness will be the return of the Stardust space probe, which passed through the tail of Comet Wild 2 in January 2004 (more on Several bizarre ironies descend from the depths of space as well as the probe. Given the Intelligent Design campaign of the conservative political factions in the United States, how did funding for a project that intends to verify life formed in a cellular bouillabaisse on a bubbling primeval Earth seeded by amino acids from comets and more get funded? Second, if the parachute successfully deploys on this package and we get our hands on comet dust, why did we need to attack the comet on July 4th last year? The answer to the later question: Probably to see if we can deflect a porous core object with a collision so we could determine if we could deflect a porous core asteroid given Chicken Little turns out to be right. Regardless, perhaps we’ll have some very cool life creation information in no time. Perfect for Pluto inching up to the Galactic Center - the place where progressive cosmic realizations pour through with no abatement other than human incredulity.

The metaphor? Keep an open mind right now, eh? Jupiter and Neptune are coming to an angular convening - a square, preset by Mars squaring Neptune from the other side of the wheel on the 17th of January. Mars works like a laser beam shining into smoke, a dust cloud or even across a room. All particular dust becomes evident. It’s always been there, it’s just that now the urge to buy an air ionizer becomes overwhelming, despite the expense. Mars, having had fun making fun of any inconsistencies between what Jupiter claims as truth and how he behaves, turns his attention toward prodding spiritual beliefs and creative proclivity as overseen by Neptune. How do you know it’s real? Simple, because with your laser beam I can now see the dust about which I had only theorized before. Right. Natch.

On January 26th, March 16th and September 24th Jupiter in Scorpio squares Neptune in Aquarius. From the Sun’s point of view, the passage occurs but once, June 27th, the day following Mars reaching aphelion (which can yield volatility on the Sun). Since Jupiter refers to religion and Neptune to spirituality, except this conflict to appear in real life. Already it has. Recently, a bigoted, biased, hateful (yep, that’s judgement, but only to make a point) minister in the United States suggested that Ariel Sharon endured life threatening ailments because he went against the Will of God. Conservative Christians support the war in Iraq and the killing of people - some innocent, some not - though God said, “Though shalt not kill.” No matter how well one can rationalize, such contradictions cannot be excused through cosmic justification, at least so say the doctrines of planetary authority.

Personally, many will wrestle with concepts received in teaching and indoctrination about how God works and how their inner being senses God works. Reconciliation between blind faith and experiential belief intersect at a shared fork in the road. Right. Sort out your own truth.

Here’s another part of this pattern, when someone tells you of their righteousness, spiritual perfection, divinity and knowledge of God’s Word, Will and Whim, allow reaction formation to set in. The adamant proclamation defies the humility of spirituality. Who can know the Will of God? Isn’t all Divine Inspiration filtered through everyone’s crown chakra and subject to psychological distortions, fearful projections and struggle to make something out of all this? It could be human to muck it up really good. So, the Jupiter-Neptune pattern requires that each person peer into the mystery through their own eyes with a receptive spirit. Forget about the people who claim to know. If they actually did know they’d have the sense to keep their mouth shut. I mean if a person did know, think how many e-mails they’d get a day. Who has time for that?

How about getting a jump on it? Sunday next, as the descending Stardust probe reflects radio signals and distorted cell phone signals from late night drunk dialers (hey, Neptune’s involved) in the landing region, why not open and ask what you need to know in order to go forward in life with hope, aspiration and a desire to emulate the best of the heavens?

For those who have speculated about my psychic sensitivities, if you had read the story “Celestial Oceans” from my short story collection, Glimpses, you would know. Ah yes, that’s a plug for the book. You can get it and other fine mind-opening, consciousness provoking products and services from my store on the website, none of which have the exclusive right answer. The comments about my short story collection are coming in. Here are my two favorites:

~ It's so good I keep forgetting you wrote it.

~ Couldn't put it down. Read the whole book waiting to renew my driver's license.

See you next week. Heads up for falling Stardust.