Season’s Change and So Do I ~ 19 December 2006

Before considering the solstice, let’s consider the fact that heaps of solar radiation recently spiced up the atmosphere. The aurora in the northern hemisphere was seen from Alaska to Arizona (not sure about Alabama or equivalent locations in Algeria, Andorra, Armenia or elsewhere). Most people report hyper physical bodies unable to rest, minds that sputter despite the presence of critical decisions and the low grade emotional flu feelings. All you can do is chill out, kick back, realize that everyone reports an abundance of “charge” and critical, pressuring life scenarios and give others the benefit of the doubt. It’s hard to do that, though, when you realize people cannot read any more since the innovation of the Internet, retailers you shop online constantly reverse product and credit card numbers, and no one seems to care if you get your ordered presents arrive on time. Efficiency seems to be a lost art. Maybe some of it is the new chaotic standard induced by this year’s named dwarf planet, Eris (I added new keywords to the Plutinos, Eris, Sedna and Centaurs page on my site but don’t expect to be cheered up by the additions). Truly, Eris plays an enormous part in the collective consciousness shift right now. The apple cart of life must be overturned in order to figure out new ways of transporting apples to the market. Otherwise, we’re all condemned to the proverbial insanity of doing the same old stuff hoping that this time it’ll catch and become a wealth-rendering fad. Simply, turn life on its ear.

Where do we get the kick needed to turn life on its ear, bring our consciousness up one huge notch and make a serious change coinciding with the turning of the season? Currently, the Sun and Pluto bracket the core of our galaxy. This amazing black hole/galactic nucleus resides at 26 Sagittarius 57 (position based upon the radio source SGR A, also the black hole - the precessionary shift of the GC is tracked on a monthly basis in The American Ephemeris for the 21st Century). Right now anyone choosing to do so gets a free download of energy, which provides abundant infrared energy (get the root chakra holiday rocking), radio beams (are you listening?) and x-ray emanations (the inner picture of the bare bones is chillingly good). Free insight, progressive ideas and unlimited creative vision exist in the airwaves for those willing to tune in. It’s easier to approach the Galactic Center with a bit of an impersonal slant. It’s not that the Galactic Center will not give you the information. It’s just that if you ask a personal question and get the concise, crisp answer, it may be hard to accept. Usually there’s a bit of an insight curve with the Galactic Center. It takes time for the psyche to adjust to the velocity and density of the arriving information. Write down or record whatever you get. You don’t get to cut any of it because you don’t like it. In fact, that arouses one of the GC’s big buggerboos - ignorance. You don’t get to ignore insight, especially the insight you requested.

Take the holidays to collect such data and continue through the time the Earth and Sun close to minimum separation - January 3rd. Let the Galactic Center information simmer in your personal crock pot of stewing consciousness. That’s not wood burning nor caramelizing sugar you smell. The Sun continues to shower Earth with the lingering energy from recent intensified solar activity. Consider this hyper surge to be a boost. If you’re climbing the tree of knowledge and the first branch is higher than your body weight and gravity allow, take the boost of solar energy to rise up. The solutions provided in this time frame are not so much about what to do. The best insight arrives in realizing that the energy behind the situation must shift. When the energy shifts, the doing becomes perfectly obvious. How cool is that? With all the free energy inundating the airwaves, anyone can shift - even those folks you were quite sure could never get over the evolutionary hump. Maybe take off your iPods, put down your PDA’s, remove your hand from the mouse and sit silently. For the next days, the Sun, Galactic Center and Pluto rise when the Sun comes up, appear directly overhead around noon, set with the Sun and reach lower culmination at midnight or thereabouts. Why not take fifteen minutes at two of those times of day for the next five days? Sit and listen. That’s all that’s required. Let the ideas enter, percolate and judge them not.

As soon as the Sun hits Capricorn, it connects with the fastest spinning pulsar known and also a hard to define point known as the Solar Apex. Keep your new insights self contained. Avoid going off on tangents and realize others won’t quite follow your new aspiration for a while. Keep your hat on it - after all, in the Northern Hemisphere you need to keep your noggin warm and in the Southern Hemisphere protecting your skull from the Sun becomes a physically worthwhile venture and a metaphor for shielding your barely sprouting insights from negative weeding by others.

There are galactic holiday gifts for all out there. There’s no shipping, no taxes, no surcharges. Just park your cheerful carcass and take it all in. That something cooking I smell?

For a little more on the Galactic Center you can visit my site and click on The Galactic Center link on the home page - but only if you want to become a galactic homey. On Christmas day I’ll have a new post on that details astrological insights for the entire year. On New Year’s Day, also on, they’ll post my call for the signs for 2007. I’ll give direct links in upcoming GT’s once these post. Don’t miss these nuggets. Soon, the PSSS Scopes with New Year’s resolutions that you can keep for the year will post on I’ll let you know when those appear as well.

Finally I’ve decided to add yet another bonus for all those who want to delve deeper into the mysteries of the Universe. Given the heliocentric references in this GT, I’m adding the e-book, The Sun at the Center - A Primer of Heliocentric Astrology to the Galactic Trilogy CD package. For those of you who have purchased the CD previously, I’m sending the e-book via e-mail; it’s only fair. If you do not receive it, please e-mail me with your correct e-mail address. Also, I’ve decided to extend the Free Galactic Report with the Galactic Trilogy CD purchase through January 3rd, the date of Earth’s perihelion. Feel free to explore all the other goodies on the store while you’re at it.

Thanks for being a loyal reader of the Galactic Times. Please let your friends and other interested parties know about these. I appreciate you being part of the million views received by my site. Next year, given the GC interest, I’m hoping we’ll at least double that. It’s not about the hits. It’s about the thoughts that linger while viewing any website documenting the plan of the planets. Here’s wishing all of you, regardless of your religious orientation, a very Happy Solstice and peaceful, joyous Holiday Season.