Just In Case ~ 6 April 2006 

You hadn’t noticed, Mars is virtually opposite Pluto forging the fires of hades with a vengeance and tugging at all the energy the Galactic Center’s background has to offer. It does seem that the Galactic Center is an equal opportunity energy provider. It spews infrared, radio and gamma radiation with abundant distribution for each. Can’t all energy just get along? Can’t we all get along? Well, we could if people had no attachment to their version of the truth.

A fish with leg things was just found in fossilized form. Scientists claim this undoes the creationism foothold so tenaciously propagated by the conservative Christian movement. Are they wrong? What are the odds? (Turn on your subtext sarcasm filter now if it is presently disabled) Those of us in metaphysics, from our energetically elite position while consciously aligning with the Galactic Center, know certain truths. Right. But what if we’re wrong? Since I began actively studying astrology I have often pondered how well I would have responded if statistical studies failed to support the veracity of astrology. I fancy myself by thinking that I would have been smart enough to let it go as a belief system. I’ve changed my mind on a number of important issues in my life under properly stimulating situations. I could do that, too. Fortunately, the stats and radiation studies support astrological thinking.

But this Pluto to Mars thing right now causes a background noise that rivals fingernails on an old-fashioned chalkboard for an appropriate irritability index. When people go to defend their positions, it gets ugly. Right now I battle a series of impossible logistical considerations that somehow must magically amalgamate to resolve the crisis at hand. Can I do it? Not how I’m feeling today. How about you? That was rhetorical. I really don’t need individual reports nor solutions for my logistical matters. Like most people, I can’t hear good ideas when savoring a delectable good grump.

However, after Mars goes into Cancer it opposes the Solar Apex - a point that more or less assesses the Sun’s drift factor around the Galactic Center. For whatever reason, this significator loves to slay sacred cows. The best tool for slaying the meat of one’s bovine attachments comes from applying the tool of humor. Can you find it in yourself to laugh at how attached you are to whatever it is that buggers you? Again, that’s rhetorical. Maybe pop in an edgy, sharp DVD that challenges you to slay your herd of cows. Or take on your local comedy club. Or call a person who can make you laugh.

There’s another factor in the mix, too. The Soft Gamma Ray Repeater (SGR) known as SGR 1900+14 recently went active (19 Capricorn 35). It had been dormant since 2003 and began acting out on March 25th. As of three days ago, it had issued twenty-two burst sequences. Now SGR’s really mess with satellite signals and cell phone propogation. Nothing better to help Mars and Pluto work with those hostile, “I’m right, You’re Wrong” phone calls than cutting someone off midstream. If a person didn’t know better, they’d think the other party had hung up on them. In an earpiece it all sounds the same.

Perhaps it sounds like I’m painting quite a picture of short term irritation and calling for collective lightening up. Yep, I am. That’s the way I’m seeing the trends right now. But I could be wrong.

Just in case I’m not wrong, here’s a few things to ponder:

* Gamma rays stimulate the aura like a triple latte with extra rich chocolate infusions. Take time to conduct chilling, centering exercises that stabilize the condition of metastability: all revved up and no place to go.

* Avoid using the phrase, “You’re wrong!”

* Given better data, be willing to change your mind.

* Finally and most significantly to physical well being, remember that comedy requires an impeccable sense of timing. If you point out the irony of butchering a cow with mad cow disease to a person with a sharp object in their hand, you might find yourself knocked on your butt... or worse.

With all that in mind, have fun! Remember that Venus just entered emotionally rich Pisces wanting to inspire everyone to love more fragrantly and to create more frantically. As Pisces is inclined to say, “Sure, whatever.” Right, but remember, “It’s your party and you can be wrong if you want to!” Right?

Need inspiration? Check out the Oracle on my site and read your scopes. If that fails, go to the store (my website’s store I mean) and shop. With Sedna in Taurus, certainly that’ll make you feel better.