Blinded by the Light ~ 24 October 2006

Astrologers know that Mercury goes retrograde on the 28th, coming up in but a blink of an eye. Some predict the significance of this retrograde passage because of the alignment of Jupiter with Mercury (which really messes with World Series predictions). That’s true. So is it true that there are now five planets in Scorpio. Pull out the noise makers that go “woo hoo,” with nearly subsonic frequencies. Something’s rattling the collective cage. There’s more to this than meets the eye.

On the 27th Venus achieves a superior conjunction. This effect astronomically notes that while astrologers see Venus and the Sun aligned from the Earth’s point of view, Venus lingers on the other side of the Sun. Classical astrology perceived such a pattern like an opposition, harder to integrate than the perceived “in your face” quality of a conjunction. Such Venus patterns are common. The last occurred on March 31, 2005 and the next appears June 9, 2008. Every eight years, as is true with the 6/9/08 conjunction, the Sun passes in front of, or forms an occultation of Venus. With Venus, our personal need profile and social standards indicator, on the other side of the Sun, the model of conscious attention, it seems just a trifle harder to pinpoint what it is that’s missing. The feeling is that of a great hankering, but all physical evidence prohibits getting really clear on what urge/desire/need the Sun obscures from view. During the occultations, such as the next superior conjunction of Venus, needs and desires seem impossible to define. This week, it’s only difficult to determine.

No worries. This conjunction’s not impossible to integrate even though what you want stands at odds with what is, or so it seems; if only you knew what is was. Here comes Mercury retrograde aligned with Jupiter. What do you think and/or believe? Mercury now passes in between the Earth and Sun, so that like Venus, he’s going to be invisible for a spell. You’ll have to feel this one out using your Scorpio sensibilities - if you dare. It’s scary in there in that dark place where you know what you really, really want. You might not even be able to admit it to others. That’s no big deal; you only have to admit what you want to yourself. You also must perfect what you think. What do you think about the recently airing ad run by the Republican National Party promising that the Democrats guarantee terrorists will kill you? In 1964, the Democratic President of the United States, Lyndon Johnson, ran an ad about Barry Goldwater, assuring that he would ensure the Russians would turn us into nuclear toast, if we elected that Aquarian President. What do you think about all that? Just in time for Halloween and all these planets in Scorpio, eh? This is not about politics. It’s about thinking for yourself, getting clear on issues of life and death and desires and needs, which according to Scorpios and others graced by the justifications of Jupiter, make life worth living. Make decisions to get your quality of life back.

During Mercury retrograde, on November 8th (the day after we vote in America), the fleet footed one flies across the disk of the Sun from Earth’s point of view. The last such event happened on May 7th, 2003 and the next to follow comes up on May 16, 2016. Yep, they’ll always be in May and November, aligning with the nodal axis of Mercury. The Mercury crossing of the solar disk has odd, seemingly whimsical patterns: 3.5, 6, 7, 13, 33 and 46 years, all part of a larger Mercurial cycle of 217 years. Anyway, let’s flight back to what it’s about.

Mercury stands between the Earth and Sun. The mind, material matters and consciousness must meet at one table and come to consensus agreement on what choices steer your life the way it ought to go (according to what Venus wants). It’s bottom line time. Get down with yourself and dig into the substrate of the subconscious to turn its renderings into spiritualized motives that serve your life. Issue a decree on November 8th in the form of a petition or propitiation, such that you can be true to your thinking, desires and consciousness all at the same time. Forget about if you’ll transpose numbers or neglect the mailing of a credit card bill. This is far more intentional that the average Mercury retrograde. Tune in and tweak to perfection. Master hearing the mastery of the voice within.

It’s getting to be the time of year to think about holiday presents time. Perhaps there’s something in the store for someone who tops your list - possibly even yourself. There’s also the latest data on the enigma Eris, too. (Where is Eris?)