The First Roar ~ June 28, 2005

Astrologers already issue the warnings. Saturn will enter Leo in mid-July (the 16th). Put your ego on alert. Bombastic behavior stands to be battered by cosmic admonitions promoting humility, modesty and heartfelt courage and compassion. Actually, if you lack egomaniacal attributes, it all sounds quite good, doesn’t it? Probably it is.

Leo refers to the Sun and at best, demonstrates confident, soulful qualities of the individual who successfully endured and transformed the ego in this lifetime into pure, bright burning essence of primal spirit. How belly warming is that? Consider that from the broader point of view of the solar system as seen from the Sun, which is in fact its core, that Saturn enters Leo today.

Looking at the solar system in the sun-centered (heliocentric) framework tends to bring out more of the spirit urges of a person. Should an affirmation seeking Leo (or anyone else for that matter) request verification of the majesty of their presence on Earth, a question should follow whatever dialogue ensues. The question bluntly asks, “So, what are you doing with yourself this lifetime?”

Saturn entering Leo at this subtle demarcation point does things like promote sales of t-shirts and bumper stickers that say, “Lead or get out of the way,” or “If you’re not contributing, you’re taking up space.”

Two urges unconsciously emerge now. These urges filter through the psyche and end up in something that resembles the thought process in the fulcrum dates of mid-July. Attending to the urges now gives anyone caring enough about their humanity to take a look a big heads up on the rest of the planet. This implies no competitiveness, which can be attributed to Leo. Simply, the urge seeks to manifest all of a person’s potential in the life and express it fully in the grandest display of magnificence such that the Creator of the person would be proud. And, developing the bottom line confidence necessary to apply all talent and attributes in the life must underwrite the process.

Saturn’s approach to Leo’s throne provides the ultimate inner person reality check. It all intends to establish an unshakeable confidence within. Should a person solicit affirmations of greatness from others and be denied, turning within in a huff of defiance follows. The person is forced to confirm for her/himself what another evidently denied. “It is so true! I am... insert your desired superlatives here.” Should a person fish for validation and it is granted, they have to go within again, but this time in a different way. It sounds like: “Tell me I am... again, pick a very cool descriptor of human attribute.” Comes the reply, “Yes! You are! I see that!” Now the querent, while cool on the outside, remarks on the inside, “I am? Really? Honest?” At this point, the recipient of the compliment still goes within to affirm what was initially sought externally.

So it goes with Saturn. Other people simply cannot shore up sagging psyches, implant defective egos with inflated compliments or polish up a tarnished soul. That’s inner work.

What else do we know about Leo from the solar system’s point of view? Well, both the North Node of Neptune and the closet contact of Venus to the Sun stand together in Leo. This personifies the dazzle, lights and illusion of Hollywood, the lure of money, the draw of sexual attraction and smokescreens. Too, it can manifest with spiritual awakenings, the emergence of strong leaders (no, I did not say Jesus was returning in the next two and a half years or so), reorganization of mundane priorities and their integration into the larger context of life. For planning purposes, the Saturn passage to these orbital elements occurs in late April and early May next year.

Both the planets maintaining these significant points in Leo, soon to be influenced by Saturn, share one interesting peculiarity. Venus and Neptune maintain the least orbital eccentricity. This means that the two planets circle the Sun with the roundest orbits in the solar system. A smoothness to what lies ahead with Saturn’s passage might be a fine attribute to anticipate.

Should Saturn in Leo attempt to march in with a roar, you can bet one thing. The roar boasts what the individual fancies her/himself to be, not what is felt at the core. When you hear the roar, reflect it back to the core - that is the core of the projecting individual and the core of yourself as well. With the inter activeness of Venus and the reflectivity of Neptune in the mixture, the octane gases the bellows of all involved fanning the inner fires into a fully roaring blaze.