Star Light, Star Bright ~ June 12, 2005

While it stands as abstractly interesting that the two brightest stars other than our Sun, Sirius and Canopus, to be seen in the sky occupy the same essential zodiacal degree, until one sees both these brilliant stars at once the magnificence can hardly be comprehended. Most residents in the United States lack this fortune. Those in Houston and Miami catch glimpses, but for most in the Northern Hemisphere a celestial pilgrimage to Hawaii resolves the viewing crisis.

Why bring this up now? As often happens with the Sun and inferior planets - the planets closer to the Sun than Earth, Mercury and Venus - a succinct transiting pattern stimulates the reactivation of cyclical awareness inherent in our ancestors. With Saturn completing passage in ancestral Cancer, what could be better than to offer homage to the “watchers and seers” than to stand vigilant of these movements to potent stars long observed both in observation and ceremony?

Reasonably well known as the Dog Star, Sirius also bears the name Ponochona in the Hopi tradition. This name literally means “one who sucks from the belly.” To maintain the loyalty to self implied in this fixed star, clearing emotional toxins from the mid section of the body remains essential. While the belly serves as a psychic barometer to many, any residue from toxic emotional reactions require clearing. Regardless of the method of release, the literal and figurative spilling of the guts goes with this point. When complete, the sense of self returns and remaining dedicated to one’s mission in life comes easier.

Canopus, despite being number two on the night time brightness list, remains relatively obscure - until now, because all the watchers reading this today intend to invoke it with equal brilliance to it’s light and its partner at roughly 14 degrees Cancer. He is the pilot of King Menelao’s fleet. In him we find the ability to navigate the celestial oceans by following the bright beacons of the heavens.

Combining the implications of Sirius and Canopus, the process is one of restoring a proper core ballast by clearing all emotional decks and then setting sights for clear destinations based the brightest guiding lights possible. The planetary sequence begins on June 14th as Venus commences the inner planet alignments. She asks that negative attachments be released. Such attachments could be to the past, values that do not serve, avarice and perhaps deferring shiny objects of Earth to the shining objects of the heavens. She ponders need and desire and knows what supplies of life support the journey ahead. She would seek to procure these with great haste and clarity.

Mercury follows on the 18th, just preceding the Solstice. Imagine the ponderous wonder of once again being at sea and watching the light of night unimpeded by the lights of civilization. What thoughts might return with the mind cleared of emotional wickets that cannot be successfully carried forward? Imagine releasing thoughts about feelings, savoring life’s succulent sensations and enjoying the truth of nature. Using refuge and retreat a solace, a point of recalibrating one’s sextant in life permits accurate positioning in this journey and in journeys to come.

Early in July (7th), the Sun conducts its annual visitation to Sirius and Canopus. The light is shed on the priorities of this degree of Cancer. First, loyal, dedicated unswerving attention to needs of oneself comes first. Forgiveness for any transgressions of any day precedes nightly nurturing that comes in the form of food sustenance and the support of a faithful partner. To be receptive to support, one must clear away daily debris such that no inner reservations impede the natural flow of receptivity. This clarity and brilliance open portals of sharing so combined visions, shared dreams and agreed dharmas unfold following the magnetism of the celestial lodestones of Sirius and Canopus.

Agendas of nurturing prevail above all other concerns in this ceremonial cycle. With such agendas declared wishful longing falls by the wayside, replaced by physical manifestation and emotional sustenance.

Star light, star bright? Indeed, the watchers know. Making the offering of all that must be released secures the pathway for brilliance in intention, action and safe arrival at celestial driven destinations. Wish clearly and conjure potent ceremonies in awe of the brightness prevailing above.