Origin-ality ~ March 10, 2005

Last week astrophysicists reported the detection of some previously undiscovered energies from a source near the Galactic Center. This point, GCRT J1745-3009, went off between September 30 and October 1 of 2002. Thanks for keeping us in the loop. These radio wave bursts of roughly ten minutes occurred at intervals of seventy-seven minutes. This object with the strange name stands at 26 Sagittarius 45, quite near the Galactic Center in both longitude and latitude. Here we have yet another blast of cosmic intensity confirmed to be affecting us. Daily I receive e-mail telegrams from varying astronomical sources detailing the latest detections from space. It’s actually too much to catalog (though I am working on it!).

What does this mean? Well, for those aligned with the above degree in their natal horoscope, consider applying the radio waves. When tracking ideas, dig in for a solid ten minutes or so with new input. Then, hunker down and process it for the next seventy-seven minutes to make sure it came through without distortion. Over the next few years, Pluto approaches this point. All of the Galactic Center collection of data and information will relentlessly blast us with Universal Truths, not the truths we claim to uphold or declare as absolute. Some serious mind changing is implied. These blasts are available to everyone. Those connected to these degrees cannot shunt the input. Others can tune in and receive it, if they choose. Best yet, it’s free for the asking. How cool is that?

As I write, the Moon in Pisces approaches a square to this point. During the next several days, the Sun (16 Mar) and Venus (19 Mar) also make squares the above radio source. The square from Pisces to this galactic matrix can be mildly tricky. The kid who introduces new ideas can often get kicked for those ideas. The antidote is to present the innovative disclosures in ways that do not offend, insult and most important to the Sagittarian orientation involved, suggest no incorrectness or wrongness. Rejection of valid insight usually occurs if one feels the new download invalidates their entire way of being and doing life. Just drop the morsel. Leave it be. No forcing, convincing or demanding agreement and consensus. It comes around in its own time.

You know, there’s a lot of chat about the Mayan Calendar and all, which does bear strong alignment with the Galactic Axis. It is suggested by some that blazing shifts in consciousness can occur as the calender turns about in 2012. True. Based upon what? A magical rebooting of human consciousness that occurs in but an instant? No.

Pluto the underscoring, bottom line drawing, planet crosses this powerful galactic complex about four years before the Mayan Calendar ends. My thinking suggests that all the insights for radically shifting humankind’s awareness of itself and the Cosmos arrive well before 2012. My belief is that the greatest receptivity is between 2007 and 2009. It takes a while to get used to new ideas and actually use them. We need a little adjustment time.

Should you be astrologically connected to the Galactic Center complex, it is your job description in life to innovate, proclaim progressive agendas and inspire others to do the same. Original thought is essential. Should you not be connected horoscopically, no need to lament. The energy is out there. In can be used by anyone installing proper receptivity hardware to open the program. In these times, we all stand acutely aware of how fussy those programs can be. You might have to upgrade or use multiple software packages in the same application. It’s not a matter of more is better. The issue is how to obtain the best information for inspiration and insight.

I am reminded of the old RCA Victor record logo. It was a dog attentively sitting near an old phonograph player (I’m sure you can find a picture in Internet archives if you have no idea what I am writing about) with the big megaphone-like speaker system, bearing the label “His Master’s Voice.” As far as we’re concerned, the next step in listening is to the voice of mastery originating in the original ideas of the Galactic Center. Some say, “How dare you make up new information?” The Galactic Center asks, “How dare you not use the insights that come your way?”

Be original. From that point of origin, all can be heard.